Plaza des Martell at the Port of Ibiza to be for the exclusive enjoyment of pedestrians
Access to Plaza des Martell at the Port of Ibiza has been restricted, limiting its use to pedestrians. The aim of this measure is to protect the public space from possible damage caused by inappropriate use and to preserve pedestrian tranquillity and safety.
The decision was made as a result of verifying, from its launch, a progressive rise in diverse damage sustained, both on pavements and on existing street furniture, among others.
The inappropriate use of this space, such as practices that dirty the area and the use of skateboards, as well as the rise in plaza conservation costs, have concerned citizens wanting to enjoy a peaceful area near the sea where they can take a stroll, rest on the benches and use it as a meeting point.
As such, the Port of Ibiza has decided to restrict this space to pedestrians, asking users to respect the existing street furniture and those who want to enjoy the place in a responsible manner.
Appropriate signage has been put into place to inform the public of its exclusive pedestrian use. Failure to comply with this restriction may result in fines of up to €600 for actions against the good functioning of port services, in application of Article 65 of the Regulation on Service, Policing and Regime of ports of general interest.