The Fundación Turismo Palma 365 and the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands meet the demand for information of cruise passengers that dock at the city's port
This morning, Joana Maria Adrover, Councillor of Tourism, Business and Employment, and Joan Gual de Torrella, President of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, revealed the new tourism information office, located at Harbour Station number 2 at the Port of Palma. The project is the result of a collaboration between both institutions. The APB has formed a part of the Foundation's board since 2012.
The president of the Port Authority stressed that in recent years the APB has undertaken different collaboration projects with the Foundation and that this year the focus has been on creating this new tourism information office. The office, budgeted at 73,000 euros, aims to meet the needs of tourists that dock at the Port of Palma and that seek information of interest. The works company, Mejora, Servicios y Proyectos Integrales SA (MESPISA), was awarded the contract.
Furthermore, Gual de Torrella said that the APB, since 2012, has given the Foundation over 16,000 euros in cash and has undertaken actions totalling over 280,000 euros at the Port of Palma, such as installing pergolas to shade the jetty walkway and covering fees for the occupation and use of Palma's wifi network at the Seafront Promenade, among others.
As the councillor explained, this initiative aims to provide more personalised and up-to-date information to cruise ship tourists, as well as to contribute to redistributing tourism flows from the city. Furthermore, the office will also sell tourist activities taking place in Palma and in other tourist destinations in Mallorca. In this respect, Adrover said: "we are progressing in improving management, modernising the welcome services for tourist and citizens and strengthening the aim of the Foundation, which is geared towards fostering the projection and external image of the city that is a year-round destination, having a different, competitive and high-quality urban offering."
The office will be open according to the scheduling of ships arriving at the Port of Palma, which is drawn up by the APB. This month, it will give tourism information services to passenger of around 77 cruise ships, including, for example, Norwegian Epic and AIDA Stella, which have a capacity of 5,500 passengers.
Furthermore, Adrover said that the management concession of the tourism offices was awarded last August to the company Eulen S.A. Palma currently has three tourism offices located at Palma beach, Parc de ses Estacions and at Parc de la Mar.