First docking of a ship at the north quay of the Botafoc docks in the port of Ibiza
This evening the port of Ibiza will carry out a test trail for docking ships at the new north quay of the Botafoc docks after the reception of the partial stage of the construction which has been regarded as completed. However, this does not mean that the new facility will be put into service to the public at this time.
The ship Federico Garcia Lorca, from the company Balearia and coming from the port of Denia, will be responsible for inaugurating the north quay, at approximately seven o´clock.
Construction work on the port of Ibiza is on schedule. Work on the development of the esplanade is progressing well and is forecast to be completed in autumn, once the high season is finished.
Once the Botafoc docks start to function, existing deficiencies in security, space and comfort in the port will be resolved and heavy, disturbing port operations will be moved away from the urban center.