Bidding starts for dock work at Botafoc
The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (PAB) has initiated the proceedings for tenders for the construction of the esplanade and commercial docks in the shelter of the Botafoc dock in the port of Ibiza, with a budget of approximately ninety four million euros and a maximum period of execution of thirty months. This afternoon the open tender was announced by the BOE, which sets the foundations which must be met by the contestants. Yesterday, Wednesday, the information was sent to the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). The deadline for submission of tenders is 18 May 2009 and May 27 will mark opening of the submitted bids. Project is reducedFollowing the agreement reached between the Government of the Balearic Islands, the Consell and the City Council of Ibiza, the PAB will initiate the expansion and reform of the port with the beginning of the work on the docks of Botafoc. As reported by the chairman of the PAB, Francesc Triay, at a press conference held on February 3rd in Ibiza, the initial draft of 85.000m ² has been reduced by 10.000m ². This makes a total of 63.000m ² of constructed esplanade and two wharves of 6.000m ², resulting in an overall gain of 75.000m ² of newly won sea surface. Similarly, the chairman of the PAB outlined other key agreements making possible an institutional pact, for example, that half of the filling material used in the construction of the esplanade will come from outside the island the rejection of the construction of the tunnel access under Plana Island the unfounded affect on the natural space of Ses Feixes de Talamanca and the introduction of strict environmental and archaeological controls, in accordance with the Environmental Impact Statement issued by the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine. If the anticipated schedule is met, the work will be awarded in the month of August, and in October, labour will begin.