The APB restricts road traffic in the Port of Ibiza in favour of pedestrian use
The Port of Ibiza will be closing off to vehicle traffic the stretch of road between the Formentera ferry passenger terminal and the offices of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) between eight in the evening and eleven at night, so that local residents can use this area to go for a walk and do sport during the current de-escalation period and whilst it is compatible with port operations. The measure has been taken with the consensus of the Ibiza Yacht Club, shipping companies, dockers and other port agents operating in the area.
Since Saturday 2nd May, the Port of Ibiza has become a meeting point for citizens of all ages to enjoy their leisure time in the time slots approved by the Spanish Government as part of the Plan for the Transition to a New Normality (PTNN) during which people can go out for a walk and do sport.
From today onwards, the Port of Ibiza will be closing this section of the road that runs parallel to Avenida de Santa Eulària des Riu to vehicle traffic to facilitate, extend and ensure safety and social distancing.
For the same reason, the usual timetable for access to the Marina promenade for loading and unloading goods has been changed to seven to eleven in the morning and from four to six in the afternoon, prohibiting road traffic for the rest of the day.