The APB puts the restaurant at Menorca’s Artrutx lighthouse in Menorca up for public tender for 15 years
At its last meeting, held yesterday in the port of Palma, the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) approved, the specifications and clauses governing the public tender for the management of an establishment providing tourism services in the Artrutx lighthouse (Menorca). This time, the administrative concession will be for a maximum of 15 years.
The Artrutx lighthouse restaurant opened its doors in 2009, the only lighthouse in Menorca and just the second in the whole of the Balearic Islands to provide such a service, together with the one at Formentor (Mallorca). Ever since it opened, it has been managed by the granting of short term authorisations.
The purpose of this tender is to choose the best solution for the granting of a concession for the exploitation of several spaces, including several rooms in the lighthouse building, the lighthouse keeper’s house, a warehouse and annexes, as well as its terraces.
The annual amount of the occupancy fee will be 22,144 euros and an activity fee of 4% of turnover has been established.