The APB presents the new Port Innovation Platform
Palma de Mallorca
Today saw the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) present the new Port Innovation Platform (PIP). This platform aims to pinpoint opportunities for improvement in ports and their surroundings, strengthening, leading, and supporting joint innovation projects to ensure they are successful.
Through the new web, www.innovacion.portsdebalears.com, which was presented to the port community this lunchtime at the Port of Palma, the APB aims to apply the Smart Port concept, as the majority of innovative projects and ideas developed under this umbrella will be supported by new technologies.
The presentation of the PIP was attended by the APB Chairman, Alberto Pons; the Director-General of Ports and Airports, Antonio Deudero; the Deputy Chairman of the Palma City Council’s Municipal Innovation Institute, Guillem Navarro; the Vice-Chancellor of Innovation and Knowledge Transfer at the University of the Balearic Islands, Jordi Llabrés, and the Head of the APB´s Quality and Innovation Department, Jorge Martín.
Alberto Pons highlighted the fact that APB ports "are leaders and we offer excellent services. Thus, the PIP will enable us to promote projects that come from private sources”. In turn, Jorge Martín, who presented the details of the web, pointed out that the PIP is not only a website, but is also a tool to connect users to the port, in which projects of public interest will be shared, so that tailor-made working groups can develop them.