APB invests EUR 690.000 in port protection and security
Palma de Mallorca
APB invested EUR 690.000 in both port protection and security last 2014. APB works in partnership and close cooperation with other Administrations and companies belonging to port community, such as shipping agents, cruise companies, Guardia Civil –Spanish military police–, 112 emergency department, Firemen, 061 IB Salut, Maritime Authority, City police, National Police, General Direction of Emergencies of the Balearic Islands…etc. Aim is to adopt plans of action and specific measures to address the inbuilt port activity risks. Last September 23th, a man was rescued from drowning thanks to an early intervention of Port Police and Ibiza Harbour Pilots near harbour mouth. Harbour Pilots took him out of the water and port agents revived him at port dock by using a hand bump (ambu). In the meantime, 061 was urgently called for an emergency support, thus facilitating the fast arrival of the ambulance with the sanitary equipment to take over the patience. Port Police on duty put acquired resuscitation knowledge into practice, something learned in Balearic Islands’ Port Authority (APB) promoted courses. It is precisely the held security and rescue training course in March this year.