The APB headquarters plays host to the official presentation of the 63rd Ciutat de Palma Dinghy Class Trophy
Palma de Mallorca
The APB headquarters played host to the official press presentation of the 63rd Ciutat de Palma Dinghy Class Trophy. The event will be held from 5th to 8th December.
The regatta, which has been organised by the Palma Royal Yacht Club, has 493 participants from 14 different countries. The fleet is made up of 383 Optimist, 22 Laser Radial, 24 Laser 4.7 and 32 420 dinghy boats.
The Ciutat de Palma is the most important youth sailing competition in the Balearics and the oldest sporting contest held on the Islands.
The large numbers of participants means two regatta courses need to be drawn up and the Optimist fleet has to be divided into several different groups. Over 50 staff are needed to organise the event.
The APB contributes to the organisation of this prestigious sporting event by providing public port land, APB staff, and logistics. It also awards the prize for the winning Balearic Island sailor in the Optimist category.
The APB Chairman, Alberto Pons, highlighted the sailing promotion efforts made by Ports de Balears in the organisation of this and other sporting events that are held at its State-owned public-interest ports.