The APB extends STP license term for use of the facilities intended for vessel grounding and launching
The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) yesterday resolved to authorise the modification of the administrative license granted to the company Servicios Técnicos Portuarios (STP). This modification consists of the inclusion of a land maritime public domain surface area of 24,422 m2 in the already existing license,14,743 m2 of which are the land surface area and 9,679 m2 the water surface area used for mooring, and the extension of the initial term of the license by 5.4 years.
With this increase in term, the new end date of the license is set for May 2026.
The investment commitment made by the licensee amounts to six million four hundred and four, six hundred and seventeen euros and forty-four cents (€6,404,617.44 ).
Among the investments proposed is the purchase of a new 1.000 t travelift which will be added to those already in use and which will increase the boat lifting capacity at the site. (The current maximum limit was 700 t.)
In addition, a new pit will be built for boat repairs and the 150 t travelift will be replaced by a new modern one with the same lifting capacity but with improved performance.
Also of note are the investments in actions to improve the surface water collection network and in the facilities for treatment and purification purposes so as to improve the environmental quality of the services provided at the port facilities.