The APB commits to complying with the Law on the Reuse of Public Sector Information (RISP)
The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has made public its open data system. With this initiative, the organisation commits to complying with Law 37/2007 on the Reuse of Public Sector Information (RISP) that affects all public administrations.
The first step was to draw up a RISP Plan regarding the reuse of information and, subsequently, to publish an open data catalogue that contains the official data set of the APB, allowing any interested party to access it. This data set is represented through standard and reusable formats.
The information is available on the APB website in the Open Date section, as well as on the Spanish government's website (datos.gob.es).
In the open data section, we will find information relating to port activity (statistics, ships in the port, etc.), corporate data (annual report, job offers, etc.) and commercial activity (rates, tariffs and bids, etc.), among other aspects.
This process finalised with the first data load. It is a live process that will continue to be updated as new data, statistics and publishable public information are registered.
The accessibility of this information may contribute to economic growth and to the creation of new jobs, as well as providing a more transparent element and greater democratic involvement.