The APB begins works on Sant Antoni and Ses Figuerasses docks at the Port of Mahon
This week, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) starts the upgrading and improvement works on the Sant Antoni and Ses Figuerasses docks at the Port of Mahon.
The works at the Sant Antoni dock will entail reconstructing the old site with the aim of putting it to use as a public loading dock. A dry dock ramp for small boats will be built alongside this dock.
Meanwhile, works to be carried out at Ses Figuerasses will consist of demolishing the remains of the current dock and building another with similar characteristics in an attempt to continue offering mooring services before its collapse.
The works are expected to begin this week upon approval of the health and safety plan.
The budget is €175,674.99 and the company awarded the contract is Antonio y Diego, S.A. Works are expected to be completed in 5 months and between 7 and 10 people have been employed directly.