2014 APB accounts published in the Official State Gazette
Palma de Mallorca
Spanish Official State Gazette has published Balearic Port Authority (APB) accounts 2014. APB Ended the 2014 tax year with a 16.8 million € profit, 31% lower than fiscal year 2013 when profit was in excess of 24 million €. This decrease is due to the fact that the Port Authority lowered fees in an effort to stimulate economic activity. The reduced fees, designed to benefit the public, were principally applied to ships, cargo and passenger travel. On the other hand, 2014 turnover was around 61 million €, while the entity remains financially stable and debt-free in the long term. The set of Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors at their last meeting on June 30th, and the public sector business received a favourable report from the Intervención General de la Administración del Estado. The full detailed accounts, along with the audit report, can be viewed on the APB’s electronic office, which can be accessed by visiting electronic office. APB manages public ports in Palma, Alcúdia, Maó, Eivissa and la Savina de Formentera. One of its main responsibilities is the management of maritime and terrestrial operations as they relate to traffic, and construction works and services in the ports.