Estrella Rental Houses will manage the bar-restaurant of the Maritime Station of the port of Alcúdia
The authorisation will be valid for ten years
The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has agreed in ordinary session to choose the company Estrella Rental Houses as the most advantageous solution in the public tender called for the management of a bar-cafeteria-restaurant in the maritime station of the port of Alcúdia.
This company will then operate two premises integrated in the building, on two floors, with a surface area of 109 square metres, one of 49 square metres on the ground floor for a bar-cafeteria and the other of 60 square metres on the mezzanine floor for a restaurant.
Estrella Rental Houses will propose the arrangement and installation of furniture, such as tables and chairs, which can be used indifferently by both terminal users, regardless of whether or not they have ordered anything or spent any money in the bar-restaurant-cafeteria, and by the concessionaire's customers.
As stated in the tender specifications, the company awarded the contract will pay particular attention to the planning of the services and their schedules according to the stopovers of passenger ships, so that the establishment must remain open during the embarkation of passengers.
The annual amount of the occupation fee will be EUR 14,470. The company awarded the contract has offered an annual improvement of EUR 1,000, in addition to the 4% of turnover required in the tender specifications. The authorisation will be valid for ten years.