The restaurants in the port of Palma are committed to sustainability with the separation and monitoring of their organic waste
The initiative to minimise and recover waste along with the value of supporting 0 km products reduces the carbon footprint by supporting the local economy.
12 restaurants located in the port of Palma are participating in a pilot project for the collection of organic matter promoted by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB). The initiative began in 2019 with a group of restaurants that started to separate their organic waste in specific containers, monitored in real time, and up to now they have collected more than 19 tons of organic matter.
The key point is in the correct separation and sensorisation of containers, which enables restaurant owners and the APB to know the weight of the waste and its origin in real time. Each participant can therefore access their data at any time through a computer application.
The municipal collection service is responsible for removing the waste on a daily basis and delivering it to the TIRME recovery plant, where this waste goes through a process of producing compost that is delivered to local producers to fertilise their crops.
This year the project has been consolidated, and restaurant owners have been invited to close the circle by purchasing agricultural products from local suppliers. By doing this, the initiative to minimise and recover waste along with the value of supporting 0 km products reduces the carbon footprint.
Certificate issued by the APB
Restaurant owners have a spreadsheet where they enter the necessary kilos of agricultural products grown in Majorca, and which informs them whether the quantities purchased are sufficient to counterbalance the waste produced. If so, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands will issue a certificate to the establishment confirming and distinguishing its initiative.