The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has finalised the refurbishment works on the Llegbeig Lighthouse, located in the southeast of Sa Dragonera Island. The works included upgrading its roof, replacing the lantern and restoring the tower of the main building and its attached warehouse. Their poor state of conservation made the action by APB necessary. The APB awarded the work contract to Obras y Pavimentaciones Man, S.A.U., entailing a total investment of 513,164.19 euros (VAT included). A total of 6 workers, and on occasions up to 10, worked on the project for a period of 6 months.
As accessing the lighthouse is difficult, a helicopter had to be used to remove rubble and other elements, such as the lantern and the dome. This was the third time that the APB had used this aircraft for a lighthouse in the Balearic Islands. The helicopter was last used in a project on the Bleda Plana Lighthouse in Ibiza (2009) and for delivering new batteries to the same island of Sa Dragonera.
The new lantern, which is a copy of the old one, was made from stainless steel to increase its resistance to saltwater and to ensure it is long-lasting. In fact, the exterior metal structure of the old lantern was suffering from significant rusting and its base also had to be reconstructed. The dome, which weighs 1,100 kg, and the vibrant structure that sustains it, which weighs around a tonne, were transferred separately due to the weight limitations of the helicopter. Furthermore, the old lantern will form part of the Maritime Signalling Exhibition at the Porto Pí Lighthouse once restored.
Island of the three lighthouses
It is worth remembering that the Sa Dragonera Island has two active lighthouses, the Llebeig Lighthouse in the southeast and the Tramuntana Lighthouse in the northeast. The APB has previously undertaken work on both lighthouses, which included removing the solar power batteries and clearing the weeds from its surrounding area. The refurbishment of the main building's tower and the warehouse of the Llegbeig Lighthouse was required due to the really poor state of conservation the buildings were in. The attached warehouse was in the worst state, as it had lost part of its roof and interior walls. The building, which was used as a home up until 1973, also need sufficient maintenance.
The third lighthouse, which is no longer used, is that of Na Pòpia, which was at one time the highest lighthouse built above sea level in Spain.