The APB regulates the times for noise-generating activities on the deck of certain ships
The Official State Gazette (BOE) has published today a resolution by the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB), which approves the port ordinance regulating the times for noise-generating activities on the decks of cruise ships and sports and recreational vessels, while they are sailing and moored at the ports of general interest it manages.
The ordinance prohibits any type of activity that involves playing music or any generation of noise on the decks of certain ships between twelve midnight and nine o'clock in the morning in the ports of general interest. However, the regulation allows for an exception in cases authorised by the APB management for reasons concerning special and one-off events which, in any case, should be held at the docks furthest from the neighbourhood areas.
This port ordinance applies to tourist cruise ships, sports and recreational boats and vessels. Recreational boats and vessels also include those specifically used for sea excursions and chartering.
Any violations of this ordinance shall be penalised by applying the penalty system
set out in Section IV of the Third Book of the Consolidated Text of the Law on State Ports and the Merchant Navy, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 2/2011.