The APB puts running of bar-cafeteria at the port of Alcudia out to tender
In the last Board of Directors meeting, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) approved the specifications and conditions that are to govern the public tender to run, under the administrative concession system, the bar-cafeteria at the maritime station of the port of Alcudia. This tender will involve the most favourable bid being chosen and the subsequent granting of said public concession.
The winning bidder will be granted, under an administrative concession, use of an area of public domain at the port with a surface area of 108.61 m2. In the same way, the tenderer is authorised to provide business services as a bar-cafeteria-restaurant, along with other optional services (to be proposed by the tenderer) which are to be authorised by the APB.
The annual occupancy fee to outbid by the tenderer is €14,470.44 excl. VAT and the maximum term for the concession is 10 years.