69% of mooring request renewals at the ports of general interest are processed electronically
At the close of the January renewal period, it can be seen that 68.7 per cent of mooring requests directly managed by the ports of Palma, Alcudia, Mahon and Ibiza were made through the website of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB). It is a symptom of the good health of this platform and the predisposition of users to use innovative and more operational systems such as this tool that makes the port authority available to citizens.
In total, 801 requests were renewed through the website. The port that carried out most electronic renewals was Alcudia (85%), followed by that of Palma (72%) and Mahon (48%). At the port of Ibiza, no online renewals were made, with all of them being processed in person.
Another important fact is the general reduction in waiting lists. In Palma, it has decreased by 5.5% with 808 requests this January compared to the 855 from last year and in Alcudia, it has decreased by 6.25% with 75 requests compared to 80 in January 2017. In Mahon, it has decreased by 20.7% with 115 requests on the list this January and by 15.3% in Ibiza with 11 requests.
One of the reasons for these reductions is the fact that mooring requests that are not in line with the current requirements which stipulate, among other requirements, that vessels must be shorter than 8 metres in length, have been removed from the waiting lists.
The mooring renewal period in the ports of general interest opens twice a year (from 1 to 15 January and from 1 to 15 July). As usual, and with the aim of promoting transparency in public bodies, the APB has published the updated lists on its website.
You can see this information by clicking here.