The APB obtains AENOR ISO 14001 certification for its environmental management system
The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has been certified with the AENOR 14001:2015 seal of quality and has extended the scope of the Quality Management System certification in accordance with standard ISO 9001:2015, which both validate that the institution has a quality management system based on the principles of quality and continuous improvement.
The APB has designed an environmental management system in accordance with the principles of standard ISO 14001, which guarantees adequate environmental behaviour and fulfilment of all legal and contractual requirements. The aim is to safeguard respect for the environment whilst providing services in the entire public port domain under the responsibility of the APB.
Environmental commitment
These certifications corroborate the APB's commitment to provide quality services and guarantee that the environmental impact of their activity is as minor as possible. The scope of the Environmental Management System covers the following aspects:
- Managing the occupation and use of the Public Port Domain to provide commercial and port services. This includes issuing and inspecting administrative certificates, as well as concessions, authorisations and permits.
- Managing the port services, which entail: vessel and ship stopovers, freight and passenger traffic, conservation and maintenance of non-concessional infrastructure and navigation systems, among others.
- Managing the implementation of works and projects.
This certificate is added to the initial one received by the APB in 2015 for its quality management system and the aim for this year is to enhance the functioning of these two management systems and merge them into one integrated management system covering the areas of quality and environment. Rolling out these management systems will enable the APB to sustainably meet its aims, seeking the maximum satisfaction of its clients and striving for excellence in the services it provides.