Palma is getting ready to host the world biggest ship cruises as base port
Palma port is getting ready to be the base port of the world biggest ship cruises, adapting its facilities. Palma is currently acting as base port for mid ship cruises, those starting and finishing the trip in this city, with the subsequent economic benefit for the island.
With this aim and with the objective of managing big ship cruises’ passengers arriving and departing, Balearic Islands’ Port Authority will refurbish Maritime Station number 6 at Palma port, works currently under bidding phase.
A 360 metres length ship cruise can accommodate up to 7.000 people. The new terminal is necessary for the shipping lines and concessionaire companies to offer a good service to the passengers and also to service companies. Besides, each ship cruise using Palma as base port, duplicates number of passengers in each port call because passengers embark and disembark the same cruise in the same day.
As published in Spanish Official Gazette (BOE as per the Spanish initials) March 19th edition, expanding and remodelling works of the maritime station have an initial bidding budget amounted to EUR 19,4 million. The maximum schedule for the contract is 18 months.
Interested companies may contact APB contracting department for further information or Public Sector trading platform at www.contrataciondelestado.es
Companies opting the public tender must meet the following classifications: C1e (demolition), C3f (metallic structures), I6e (low voltage distribution) and J2e (ventilation, heating and conditioning).
Closing date for submission is April 19th 2016 at APB Registration (Moll Vell 3-5, Palma).