Passengers and goods traffic increases in the first half of 2015
Palma de Mallorca
Freight traffic in Port Authority of Balearic Islands’ (PAB) Ports increased by 8% in the first half of 2015, reaching a 6.6 million tonnes. A 9% increase of general merchandise traffic meaningfully highlights, especially the one related to manufactured products. Palma and Eivissa Ports, with 4.1 and 1.2 million tons respectively (9% growth), lead the increase of freight traffic since beginning of 2015. Alcudia Port (5% growth) verges 755.000 tons while Maó Port remains similar to last year with 355.000 tons. La Savina Port decreased by 8%. this is to say, it achieved 139,000 tons. Freight traffic reached 5.3 million tons (January-June 2015), which accounts for 9% growth compared to the first half of 2014. Alcudia’s Port freight traffic rate of increase has been 37% (302.000 tons) in the first half of 2015 due to, basically, Baleària cargo shipping company increase, on account of the availability of bigger vessels connecting with Barcelona. A general drop of 2% in solid bulk traffic (622.000 tons) was suffered in all PAB Ports but Eivissa (66% increase –76.000 tons–) and La Savina (33% increase –10.000 tons), due to the arrival of cement and sand & gravel used for structure and construction in Pitiusas and salt export from Eivissa during this very first months of 2015. On the contrary, liquid bulk traffic increases up to 11% due to a higher fuel consumption in archipelago. Even more passengers. Palma Port leads the growth in number of cruise passengers with an increase of 20% (January – June 2015), resulting in 668.000 passengers (112.000 more than previous year). Global variation in PAB Ports reached an increase up to 17% (746.000 passengers since Juny 30th 2015). So does the traffic of regular passenger: 4% increase from January to June 2015 with 1.9 million passengers. 7% growth in La Savina and Alcúdia Ports should be emphasised, with 660.000 and 113.000 passengers respectively in the first half of the year. More information about traffic statistics at www.portsdebalears.com