Trainee students in Port Authority of Balearic Islands (PAB)
Palma de Mallorca
Since July 1st, five students belonging to different Degrees and also different Spanish Universities are getting professional training at Port Authority of Balearic Islands’ headquarters and will remain until next August 11th 2015. Summer holidays time is the best in order to allow students to implement their acquired knowledge. In this case, the five trainee students belong to Architecture Degree, Construction Engineering Degree, Civil and Territorial Engineering Degree, Civil Engineering Degree and Roadways, Canals and Ports Engineering Degree deriving from Polytechnic Universities of Catalunya, Madrid, Valencia and Castilla La-Mancha University. During this very last academic year, PAB External Relations Department has also count on the support of a trainee student. A mentor (coming from PAB) has been assigned to each trainee student to help with the practices and to teach how a public Company operation is about.