The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands exhibits the entries submitted to the 5th Balearic Island port and lighthouse painting and photography competition
Palma de Mallorca
From 9th December 2014 to 10th January 2015, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will be exhibiting the entries submitted to the 5th Painting and Photography Competition at the Palma Military Culture and History Centre. The event has been organised in conjunction with the Palma de Majorca Fine Arts Society.
The competition has received 200 entries, which have been divided into three categories: watercolours, other painting techniques, and photography. Around 90 hundred works have been pre-selected and will be exhibited from Tuesday in the Santa Margarita cloister on the Calle San Miguel in Palma.
The winners of the competition this year are: Author Work Entries submitted in:
1st prize Josep Plaja López - Porto Pi Mallorca (Palma)
2nd prize Tanen Gil March - La Fortaleza-Bahía de Pollença (Palma)
3rd prize José Francisco Rams Lluch - Port de Ibiza i Pailebot-Cala Millor (Ibiza)
Honourable Mention Margarita Forteza Villar - Sa Dragonera luz de navegantes (Palma)
Other painting techniques
1st prize Francisco Luna Galván - Puerto de Palma (Palma)
2nd prize Antonio Gázquez Medina - Keep Calm (Ibiza)
3rd prize Margarita Forteza Villar - Puerto de Palma (Palma)
Honourable Mention Diana Bustamante Frías - Passeig a es Moscarter (Ibiza)
1st prize Sebastià Terrassa Ferragut - La Isla (Palma)
2nd prize Miguel Ángel López Vico - El vigilante (Mahon)
3rd prize Xavier Marquès Triay - Encant de Favàritx (Mahon)
Honourable Mention Guillem Garcés Riera - Far de Sa Colònia (Palma)
The competition awards, which include prize money of over €10,000, will be presented to the winners on Friday evening by the APB Chairman, Alberto Pons, and the Chairman of the Fine Arts Society, Gaspar Sabater. The exhibition will subsequently be moved to San Antonio, and then to Mahon.
This is the fifth consecutive year that the APB has sponsored this competition on Balearic Island lighthouses and the public ports of Palma, Alcudia, Mahon, Ibiza, and La Savina. The aim of the competition is to reflect the general interest in these everyday yet unique places through art.