The APB has informed the Palma City Council that the PGOU cannot interfere with or disturb port operations
Palma de Mallorca
The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has informed the Palma City Council that "general plans and other general urban development instruments should classify the service area of state-owned ports as part of the general port system, and should not include decisions which mean interfering with or disturbing port operations”.
In December 2013, coinciding with the public scrutiny stage of the basic planning guidelines for the review of the Palma General Urban Development Plan (PGOU), the APB sent the Palma City Council a letter claiming that the council´s guidelines "include decisions which interfere with and disturb port operations" as these state that the La Riba promenade, the Former Quay, and the Camino de la Escollera will be returned to the city. These areas cannot be returned to the city, continues the APB letter, as they never belonged to it. They were reclaimed from the sea and created by what is today the Port Authority, which at the time had a different name, and they have always been the Port of Majorca’s service area.
The APB reminded the council that the port’s planning instruments are the Special Port Plan, passed definitively by the Palma City Council on 30th January 1997, the Port Area Usage Plan (PUEP), passed by the Spanish Ministry of Development in the Ministerial Order of 19th May 2005, and the Infrastructure Master Plan, which is currently being prepared and is pending processing.