The APB Chairman explains the project to redesign the seafront at the Port of Ibiza
Palma de Mallorca
In view of the information published yesterday about the start of the work to redesign and improve the South Quays at the Port of Ibiza, the Chairman of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) gave the following explanations:
1.- The project has been authorised by the Spanish Ministry of Development, the body which authorises work of public interest to be carried out on public port land. This type of work does not require a municipal licence.
In addition to all the necessary procedures required to carry out this project, a consensus has been reached on the aspects proposed by the Ibiza Town Council and the Ibiza Island Council.
In terms of environmental procedures, and after a report from the Spanish Ministry of Development, it has been concluded that the project does not require an environmental assessment procedure, as it is not included in appendices I and II, nor in the situations set out in article 7.2.c, of Spanish Law 21/2013, of 9th December, on Environmental Assessment.
2.- The APB has a report from the Central Government Attorney’s Office and from the Balearic Islands Attorney’s Office which show that the area affected by the project works does not come under the heritage jurisdiction of the Ibiza Island Council.
To further clarify this issue for future initiatives in the area, although it is not necessary, the APB, through the Government Attorney’s Office in the Balearic Islands, has asked the Spanish Ministry of Culture to prepare a report on the issues put forward by the Heritage Department of the Ibiza Island Council.
3.-In previous meetings held between the APB and Heritage Technical Committee experts, no serious incompatibilities between the project and the area’s heritage requirements were brought up.
4.- The APB is ready to start the work in October 2014, so that it is finished before the month of June 2015, thus preventing the problems that a delay in the work would cause the local businesses in the area, as the work would hinder access to businesses in the south area of the Port of Vila in the high season.