The APB presents the Port Innovation Platform for public ports
Palma de Mallorca
Last night, at an event held at Passenger Terminal No.4, at the Port of Palma, and organised as part of the Maremostra International Film Festival, the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) presented a project for the creation of a port innovation platform for public ports in the Balearic Islands.
The presentation was given by the Head of the APB’s Quality and Innovation Department, Jorge Martín, who pointed out that this platform “will serve to boost the Smart Port management concept in the port community”. According to Martín, “ports are no longer seen as mere infrastructures. Instead they are perceived as profitable, efficient, competitive business clusters that offer added-value services to their customers.
This is why the APB is leading the design and development of a port innovation platform that responds to the new challenges of the 21st century. The concept that best transmits the aim of this platform is Smart Port, as it includes the latest innovative developments, enabling the provision of efficient public services, the use of technology to interact with the general public who, ultimately, are the users of the port infrastructures, and the permanent search for optimum integration between the port and the city.
This project, which the APB has been developing since the start of 2014, should be finished in the next few months, and should act as a tool for promoting innovative ideas for the improvement of services provided to direct users of ports, and to the general public, who are indirect users of many of the port´s existing facilities and infrastructures.