New car park building and gas station for boats in the port of La Savina

New car park building and gas station for boats in the port of La Savina


The Board of Directors of the ABS has adopted to give the company "Petrofor, SL" operation for ten years, a supply of fuel in the commercial dock in the port of La Savina, after the technical committee to study bids submitted for the tender has been rated as the most advantageous solution. The purpose of this competition is to modernize the supply of petrol and diesel boats A and B to the improvement and preparation of deposits and facilities, the construction of an additional underground tank and the addition of three new suppliers. Two of them are of high flow and a double. The proposed investment by Petrofor is half a million euros and the annual fee for operation of the station is 18,000 euros. Also in today´s meeting has resolved to award the company "Sovalgaray Marítima, SL" the operation of a parking building, premises and offices in the port of La Savina, after testing the best deal of those submitted to public competition by offering an annual fee of 40,000 euros, an investment of over 3.7 million euros and a concession period of 28 years, seven years less than the maximum provided in the specifications. The project includes the construction of a new building on a plot of 1,390 square meters, where currently there is another property that must be demolished first. Will have three floors plus basement and roof. On the ground floor commercial and office are located, while the rest of the building is devoted to car parking spaces. The building will have 106 parking spaces for cars, 88 reserved for hire, and 36 spaces for motorcycles, also for rent.

Extension of the Poniente docks in the port of Palma begins for large cruisers

Extension of the Poniente docks in the port of Palma begins for large cruisers


Today marks the initiation of the work on the extension of the Poniente docks in the port of Palma, which aims to provide a solution to the high demands for berths for large cruise ships in the Mediterranean. The work has been awarded to the Temporary Consortium (UTE) formed by CYES-SATO-OHL, with a total budget of 37.8 million euros, taxes included, and has a deadline of fifteen months. The extension of the docks will allow the simultaneous mooring of vessels of over three hundred metres in length in the Paraires area in of the port of Palma. This area is intended for docking large cruise ships and the work will include the extension of the existing Poniente docks with the creation of two new berths of approximately 360 metres in length and thirty metres wide. The solution adopted is that of a dock constructed of eighteen rectangular concrete boxes placed transversally, eight meters apart, so as to allow water to circulate through them and not increase the inner turmoil of the basin, allowing water renewal. The boxes will be manufactured at a port on the Peninsula and with the help of tugboats they will be transferred to the port of Palma. The dimensions of the boxes are a hundred feet in length, 15 metres wide and 16.4 metres deep. The boxes will be separated by concrete slabs made in situ.

Palma can reach a million and a half cruise passengers in 2011

Palma can reach a million and a half cruise passengers in 2011


Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) plans to reach this season and a half million cruise passengers in the port of Palma, according to forecasts released scales these days at the Miami Seatrade Cruise Shipping, the most important exhibition world in this sector. Throughout this week, a delegation Balearic, headed by the chairman of the APB, Francesc Triay, is participating in the annual meeting of the international tourism industry, cruise ships, representing the Balearic Islands in the framework of the promotion Ports State organizes every year in this American city. After historic season of 2010, which fought both the major brands of cruise traffic as the passengers, everything suggests that in 2011 the results will be better. The good time you go through the cruise market in the Mediterranean, coupled with the crisis that exists in North Africa, has made the Balearic ports have been a substantial increase in reserves of scales. Thus, in the port of Palma provides 549 scales, 4.5% more than in 2010, which can mean reaching the million and a half passengers a year. Along with the president of the APB have also traveled to Miami accidental director, Jorge Martin, the head of strategic planning division, Teresa Alonso, the sales manager, Matthew Ginard, and a representation of the main shipping agents island.

Balearic Islands Port Authority proceeds to change the lighting Levante dock at the port of Maó

Balearic Islands Port Authority proceeds to change the lighting Levante dock at the port of Maó


Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) is proceeding in these days to the installation of new street lighting along the Levante dock at the port of Maó, with the aim of improving the street lighting and pedestrian and to reduce power consumption and light pollution in the area. With an operating budget of one million euros, are putting a total of 72 street lights along the nearly mile away you have the performance area. This project has enjoyed the cooperation of the Consell de Menorca, through the Consortium of Waste Urbans i energy, to adapt to new regulations for energy saving. Each lamp has two lamps that illuminate both the road and the promenade and feature modern energy saving systems and light pollution mitigation. Work began about a month and is expected for completion before the Easter holiday. Changing trees This performance, conducted by Indra Sistemas, a company awarded the contract, also includes the redevelopment of part of the woodland walk. In cases where trees currently planted match the location of the new streetlights, are affected by plant pests or are difficult to treat dead will be replaced. The new specimens of species planted will be more adaptable in size and shape to the port area, require less maintenance and by its diversity, will provide an obstacle to the easy spread of pests.

The APB invests 3.5 million euros in the lighthouses of the Balearic Islands

The APB invests 3.5 million euros in the lighthouses of the Balearic Islands


The APB (Port Authority of the Balearic Islands) has conducted in recent years, a continuous effort to invest in the maintenance of the lighthouse facilities of the islands. Specifically, in the last five years, it has invested about 3.5 million euros in exterior reformations, restoring facades and replacing wood and metal. The APB's investment has not been limited to the lighthouses themselves, but has also included the renovation of the structures attached to the lighthouses. Part of the work accomplished in 2008 included an investment of 155,000 euros for new illumination equipment and beacons, and 98,000 euros for upgrading the enclosures of all the lighthouses of Minorca. In 2009, among other actions, the base and the wall of the canal of San Jorge in Mahon were stabilized and the facings of all the lighthouses of Formentera were restored and waterproofed. In 2010, the largest contribution was 92,000 euros for improving the facings of all the lighthouses of Majorca and also for focusing on renovating interiors and replacing railings in Majorca and Minorca. This year, the APB is planning to upgrade medium voltage lines in the lighthouses of Majorca, coverings and accesses to the outbuildings of all the lighthouses of the Balearic Islands and to improve the electrical connections on the Dique del Oeste in the port of Palma.

Initiation of the second phase of construction of the Botafoc docks

Initiation of the second phase of construction of the Botafoc docks


The arrival of the barge DN 143 to Ibiza from Valencia this past weekend has signalled the start of the second phase of construction of the Botafoc docks in the port of Ibiza. This vessel will deposit 18,000 tons of stones to form the foundation of the new pier. The installation of this breakwater will permit the posterior placement of the foundation boxes that will contain the landfill on which the infrastructure of the new port will be located. During the month of March the construction of eleven reinforced concrete foundation boxes that will form this dock will begin. The APB expects the 41.70 metre long boxes to be ready to be anchored in the foundation trench after the third week of the month. The construction of a 63.000m² esplanade and two jetties, 200 meters long and 30 metres wide, of new reclaimed area in the Botafoc docks, will provide a suitable surface for traffic of regular passenger ferries and general merchandise, away from the city centre and with sufficient security guarantees. A new passenger terminal is expected to be built in this area, with elevated walkways for boarding passenger and loading zones for cargo and vehicles, as well as parking. This action will also allow for a comprehensive reform of the port of Ibiza which is counting on a new ferry terminal for passengers travelling to the port of La Savina.

The APB will invest 63 million in 2011

The APB will invest 63 million in 2011


The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) approved today, at its last meeting of the year, the Business Plan for 2011. The plan announced an investment of 63.5 million euros for the operation of the ports of general interest in the Balearic Islands. Featured among the work scheduled for this year, is the construction of a berth in the Poniente docks in the port of Palma for large cruise ships, budgeted at 28 million euros. This endeavor, which will provide simultaneous mooring for five cruise ships of 300 meters in length, has been awarded to JV Cyes-Sato, who plans to start work in the first quarter of 2011. In 2011, the construction of the Botafoc docks at the port of Ibiza will continue, as well as, the work on the stabilization and foundations of the Adosado, Ribera and Poniente piers in the Port of Alcudia. Also in the forecast, is the initiation of the access to Cos Nou and the new ferry terminal in the port of Mahon.

The port of Palma breaks the record of 500 cruise calls in one year

The port of Palma breaks the record of 500 cruise calls in one year


The port of Palma has broken this past November, the absolute record of tourist cruise ship in a year to reach 500 arrivals since January 2010. The previous record was 496 maximum scales, which were reached in 2008, which highlights the fantastic tourist season being experienced by the port of Palma on cruises.The cruise Regatta, Palma arrived at the port last Friday November 12 had the honor of being the 500th level. The ship, Oceania Cruises and the company that can carry a total of 684 passengers, arrived on the island from the French city of Sète and after calling at Majorca, set sail for Barcelona. This figure will increase scales round to end of year, because according to the Balearic Islands Port Authority the exercise will end with a total of 525 cruise ship arrivals in the capital.In addition, it is expected that the port of Palma also beat its annual passenger record tourism, as in this December will exceed the figure of 1,300,000 people if current forecasts. The figures for both ships and passengers are indicative of the boom that is experiencing this type of tourism in the Mediterranean in general and especially in the Balearic Islands.

"Amarres Deportivos, SL" wins the tender for the transformation and modernization of the Moll Vell of de Port of Palma

"Amarres Deportivos, SL" wins the tender for the transformation and modernization of the Moll Vell of de Port of Palma


The Governing Body of the Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) has decided to award the company "Amarres Deportivos, SL, a company belonging to the group of Banco Pastor, the management of local offices and berths in the Moll Vell, in the port of Palma.The approval by the Board of Directors was held on November 12, as proposed by the technical committee report on the six bids submitted for the contest. Two of these candidates were eliminated on the opening day of tenders for breaching the list of conditions.The award of the project for the management of fifteen thousand square meters, in a domain space shoreline jurisdiction of the APB, involves the transformation and modernization of an area of nautical and sporting facilities in the Moll Vell. The project includes the opening of spring to the city as an extension of the walks of Borne and Antoni Maura, by the sea.A new building will house a wide range of different types of commercial premises and offices, as well as an establishment for coffee shop and restaurant. The roof of the building will be transformed into a spacious veranda-terrace to be accessed freely by a broad staircase as an extension of Antoni Maura rides and Sagrera. The operating company also operates a total of 26 berths for boats and yachts between 15 and 40 meters in length.Offering more than a million euros in annual tax fee represents an increase of almost six hundred per cent compared to 175,000 euros initially set in the statement of rules of the competition organized by the APB.Along with the fee for fees, the contractor is committed to making an investment of over eight million euros to modernize and transform the nautical and sporting facilities. The concession for the management of the facilities of the Moll Vell shall be sixteen years and nine months, just under the 17 years specified in the statement.

Found a cannon in the Modern Age of Botafoc dredging in Eivissa

Found a cannon in the Modern Age of Botafoc dredging in Eivissa


The Balearic Islands Port Authority announced today to the Consell Insular d'Eivissa the discovery of a cannon and pieces of wood in the dredging area Botafoc port of Ibiza, where they are building the new piers. As a preventive measure against the possible emergence of new remains, the direction of the work has proceeded to define and protect the area where the materials were found and continue dredging to a remote area of enclosed area. On 8 October, during the dredging of the boat Santamar 222, recovered from the seabed in the area of a gun works and remains of timber. Fulfilling the provisions on archaeological monitoring the Consell Insular d'Eivissa stalled the work of dredging in that area and the dredge was moved to another area away from the former, so that potential submerged wreckage were not affected. Taking advantage of the cessation of the dredging work this week due to weather, we proceeded to two underwater inspections by archaeologists in charge of the work in which they found more remains of wood, but no weapons. For this reason, the area demarcated by the use of buoys and soon most dives made to establish whether there are more remnants and their conservation status. The canyon, a possible cannon of the sixteenth or seventeenth century, and the timbers are now submerged in salt water waiting to be moved where appointed by the Consell Insular d'Eivissa.

Balearic Islands Port Authority management promotes marine industry in South Korea

Balearic Islands Port Authority management promotes marine industry in South Korea


The Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) is involved these days in South Korea on a trade mission led by the Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca, which seeks to explore investments and alliances with local partners to promote the marine industry in South of that country. The role of ABS in boat show, known as Yacht &amp Boat Korea 2010, is to raise awareness of the marine sector management is carried out in five general interest ports of the Balearic archipelago. For this, the president of the APB, Francesc Triay, official guest to the fair by the government of Gyeongnam province, share, tomorrow, with employers and Korean authorities some of the actions and projects pertaining to mooring facilities of recreational boating and the boat repair areas driven by the APB, the result of public-private dialogue. In particular, management competitions ties Marina Port de Mallorca, Marina Alborán or the Quarantine dock at the port of Palma, Mahon and s'Altra Banda Marina in the port of Mahon, Ibiza and Ibiza Magna Marina in the port of Ibiza and Formentera Navy in the port of La Savina. As for the ship repair sector, the chairman of the APB will present new areas of ship repair ports of Palma and Ibiza, as well as the competition held at the Nou Cós area port of Mahon. Thanks to the top of this Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca, the Balearic marine industry is present in the Korean boat show held in the coastal province of Gyeongnam, located southeast of the country and its territory includes hundreds of islands. Balearic entrepreneurs have been maintaining separate meetings with both local authorities who are making numerous efforts to develop its marine industry, and with local businessmen in the area. According to the Chamber, Korea as a whole is also known for its strong shipbuilding industry, so the role of potential partners Balearic would invest directly in projects or help them develop their budding marine tourism sector, contributing to entrepreneurs sector the vast experience of the Balearic Islands in this area.

The GVA contribution to the Balearics for activities in the ports of the APB is 3.93%

The GVA contribution to the Balearics for activities in the ports of the APB is 3.93%


The contribution to Gross Value Added (GVA) of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands for port-related activities of the State in the Balearic archipelago is estimated at 3.93%. This is one of the conclusions drawn from the study on the economic impact of the state ports in the Balearic Islands, developed jointly between the Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) and the Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands (CAEB) on data from 2007 and presented in Palma. Another finding from the report is that the GVA generated by activities in ports of general interest in the Balearic Islands is estimated at a total of 917.7 million euros and that employment created by port activities, marinas and cruise liners results in over thirteen thousand jobs. Yesterday the study was presented to the media and this week it will be announced publicly at an event organized at the headquarters of CAEB in Palma by the director of the economics department of management and author of the study, Josep Sintes. The chairman of the APB, Francesc Triay, highlighted the increasing participation of the private sector in port services, which is providing, said Triay, renovation of facilities, acquisition of new markets and business flexibility "which make the regional economy grow”. For his part, the president of CAEB, Josep Oliver, noted that the ports managed by the APB are infrastructures with "great relevance to business in our region" and therefore concluded that "it is more necessary than ever to modernize them".