Ferry Terminal nº 3 of the Port of Palma is now operational
This summer the new Ferry Terminal nº 3, located at the Partiers Wharfin the Port of Palma, became operational after finalizing theamplification and reforms of the facility. The reformation, carried out by UTEFerrovial Agroman SA and Centro de Montajes, included the constructionof a direct access to the ground floor of the terminal, which is thelocation of a new baggage distribution zone and departure lounge. Withthis reform, boarding and disembarking activities are separate for the firsttime, making passenger traffic more comfortable and more secure. Thisconstruction assumed an investment of 2,227,164.02 euros. This concludes the total reformation initiated months ago, with the remodelling of Ferry Terminal nº 2 of the Port of Palma, which was completed in the middle of January. This project consisted of the creation of a new baggage claim area. To achieve this the previously open area was closed off and a baggage conveyor belt and washroom facilities were installed. In addition, the area was connected to the Ferry Terminal with the installation of an elevator, two escalators and a stairway. The reforms of Ferry Terminal nº2 cost 2,452,329.54 euros. The primary target of both projects was to obtain more modern and uniform ferry terminals, whose main purpose is none other than to improve the sojourn of passengers and customers.