The APB takes acoustic measurements while the Ciudad de Granada is in the port of Maó
The intention is to determine whether the noise levels comply with the limits specified in the port regulations
This weekend, the Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) conducted noise level tests while the Ciudad de Granada was berthed in the port of Maó. The objective is to verify that the measurements comply with the acoustic limits stipulated in the regulations in force for the port area.
Javier Sanz, president of the APB, agreed to conduct the acoustic tests in response to the complaints received and the discontent expressed by the residents in the neighbourhoods around the port of Maó. The measurements were taken at various points in the port, both at night and during the day, to evaluate the impact of the noise generated by the vessel on the surrounding dwellings. They will be checked to see if they exceed the limits established in RD 1367/2007.
The laboratory responsible for taking the measurements is accredited by ENAC and has proven experience in the field of environmental and marine acoustics.