The APB set to adapt the Port of El Molinar, retaining its current dimensions and facilitating its integration into the city
The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) will update the El Molinar facilities at the Port of Palma whilst preserving its current dimensions, with the same water surface area and the same breakwater. Likewise, it is expected that the number of mooring points and type of existing boats will remain the same. This will help prevent the intensity of port use from rising, and therefore the accessibility and mobility problems that could otherwise be caused in the neighbourhood.
The new El Molinar port project was revealed to the public yesterday during the conference held at the Palau de Congressos de Palma under the slogan "The future of sailing clubs in the Balearic Islands. The continuity of concessions at Ports of General Interest".
According to the APB's head of infrastructure, Antoni Ginard, the main objectives of the new project include incorporating the El Molinar port as a transit area, offering citizens new landscape perspectives by constructing rock facing that will function as an observation point, and taking one step further towards the APB strategy by integrating ports in cities and engaging citizens in various leisure possibilities that the ports can offer.
Another important strand of this project focuses on investment in maritime security infrastructure, with low or practically zero environmental impact and at a reasonable financial cost, providing the port with the security constantly sought by the port body in all of its actions.
Lastly, this reform project covers the social element of this port, promoting the practice of and training in water sports activities such as sailing, which should remain one of the main assets of any sailing club.
The project was developed by the team comprising MCVALNERA and Junquera Arquitectos, with internationally renowned engineers and architects as members.
The port infrastructure has an estimated investment budget of three million euros, which will be covered by the APB. Following its input, the APB intends for a social sailing club to take over the management of the mooring points.
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