The APB collaborates with Costa Cruceros and the Fundació Banc d'Aliments de Mallorca to promote the circular economy

The APB collaborates with Costa Cruceros and the Fundació Banc d'Aliments de Mallorca to promote the circular economy

The alliance allows food prepared - but not served - in the port of Palma to be donated to different local associations


Environment and CSR Port-city

The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) adheres to the collaboration launched today in the port of Palma between Costa Cruceros and the Fundació Banc d'Aliments de Mallorca (Mallorca Food Bank Foundation), reaffirming its commitment to supporting the people on the island who are most in need. The initiative, which falls under Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 of the 2030 Agenda, promotes responsible consumption, and the reduction of food waste in consumption, and within production and distribution chains.

The food prepared in the kitchens of Costa Cruceros ships in the port of Palma that is not served is given to the Fundació Banc d'Aliments de Mallorca for distribution to local organisations that assist people who are in need, and at risk of social exclusion. Among the organisations that will benefit from these donations are the Tardor Menjador Social, SOS Mamás Menjador Social, Ebenezer Maranata and Zaqueo.


The collaboration was officially launched today, 12 September, with the APB granting the permits for access to and activity within the restricted area of the port of Palma, so that this solidarity initiative can become a reality.


In the words of Luigi Stefanelli, vice-president of Costa Cruceros Southern Europe region: “For Costa Cruceros, this alliance with the Fundació Banc d'Aliments de Mallorca is a significant step towards building a more inclusive and sustainable society. This undoubtedly strengthens our commitment not only to the 2030 Agenda and to sustainable development, but also to the circular economy and the goal of achieving a positive economic and social impact on the communities in which we operate”.


For the director of the APB, Toni Ginard, “this collaboration reinforces the commitment undertaken by the ports of general interest of the Balearic Islands in 2015 to ensure compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals, incorporating  initiatives aimed directly at supporting the most vulnerable people into their activities, and going beyond the measures already adopted in other areas, such as environmental protection, employment, combating corruption and the defence of human rights”.


Collection and distribution of food on board

The night before arriving in port, all the dishes prepared but not served that did not leave the galley are collected. They are then placed in special aluminium containers, sealed and labelled to ensure traceability, and kept in cold storage on board. When the ship docks the next day, the boxes of food are unloaded and delivered to the Food Bank's volunteers, who are in charge of distribution.


These efforts are an integral part of Costa's extensive Food Assistance Programme, which has distributed more than 200,000 meals since its inception. Collaboration with local partners extends to 16 destinations where its ships operate, including ports such as Savona, Genoa, Civitavecchia, Bari, Palermo, Naples, Taranto, Cagliari, Tallinn, Marseilles, Point-à-Pitre, Fort-de-France and La Réunion, and in Spain, those of Barcelona, Valencia and Mallorca.