The terms and conditions of the tender for the management of a nautical facility for small and medium-sized boats in the port of Eivissa have been approved
The Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands (APB) has agreed to publish the terms and conditions of the public tender for the management of a nautical facility for small and medium-sized boats in the port of Eivissa, on the site currently occupied by Club Náutico Ibiza (Nautical Club).
The most advantageous solution submitted will be chosen for the granting of a total area of 29,309 square metres (22,596 square metres of water and 6,713 square metres of land), with special attention to the promotion and teaching of the sport that is a benchmark for social responsibility in the nautical sector.
The terms and conditions of the tender therefore prioritise the social role and the promotion of sport that the entity awarded the contract will bring to the port community as opposed to the usual nautical facilities that are more geared towards generating economic resources.
This operation of this facility will be subject to administrative authorisation and includes the management of 269 moorings for nautical-sports vessels of up to 15 metres in length, bar-cafeteria-restaurant service, mooring of light boats and performance of educational, sporting, social and cultural activities of a non-profit nature, which will be proposed by the bidder.
The annual amount of the occupancy rate for improvement by the bidder will be 334,101 euros.
Resident vessels
As this is a facility for small and medium-sized boats, where the maximum length is limited to 15 metres, the mooring places will preferably be used for resident vessels. However, the holder of the authorisation is able to reserve some moorings up to a maximum of 15% for temporary users.
The duration of the authorisation will be one year, renewable on an annual basis up to a maximum of three years. This public tender responds to a transitory situation and, therefore, what is intended is mainly to maintain the different services that have been provided within these facilities, as well as the areas that are dedicated to each of them. However, investments in improvements to safety and operating conditions can be proposed - and will be assessed - as well as those linked to the Contingency Plan, all with removable facilities, in the event of possible episodes of unrest occurring in their interior; to this end, the APB will make available to the future licensee 3,000 square metres of land and 4,500 square metres of water, as well as 100 mooring places in the low season in the facilities managed by Marina de Botafoc. 180 square metres of floating pontoons will also be provided in the event of activation of the Contingency Plan, all in the interests of prioritising the safety and operational conditions of the facility for boats and users.